The name - As the production company would focus on social realism films, we chose to call it EPIPHANY PRODUCTIONS, because of the meaning of he word epiphany - a sudden realization of great truth. Our films would focus of stigmatized issues, they would confront the viewers misconceptions and make them realize the truth behind certain issues.
The font used for our production company title is Adobe Fangsong Std R - The reason for choosing this font is because it is strong, but simple. It is not over decorative but still stands out, and because it is simple and real, it reflects our chosen film genre style.
The logo - Will consist of a pair of hands making a frame, and a widened eye looking through it. The hands making the frame will symbolize the company, which focuses on the real life issues(hence the realistic hands and not an artificial source such as a camera) that affect people every day. The widened eye symbolizes our audience, who looks through our frame and realize(an epiphany) the seriousness off the issues surrounding them. We noticed that most independent production companies use simple colours and shapes in their logo. Our production company will follow this idea, using only black and white colours and not 'sugarcoating' issues, as some large blockbuster films do.
These are the two images used from Google to create the logo. Using Photoshop, my group partner altered the images and changed the layers, in order to increase sharpness and create our finished production company logo.
In the teaser trailer, we will add in special effects to join the picture above(our logo) with the title(seen in the first image on this post) together using a zoom in effect or wipe to black special effect.
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