Friday, 28 March 2014

Our Teaser Trailer

Here is our finished teaser trailer for our film
'Inside My Reality':

Textual Analysis:

At the beginning of our trailer we showed a shot of our production company logo zooming out into the full production company image. We did this because featuring the production company at the beginning is a main convention of a typical teaser trailer. It also makes our audience aware of who we are and makes our production company rememberable and iconic.
The character is representated as lonely, this is because she is only seen alone at the start, she is never seen within a certain amount of space to another character, and any characters close to her and seen abusing her.
On one shot we added a recording effect in order to link in the use of technology in the film as well as to ensure that there is an emotional connection between the main character and the audience. Because the character is speaking directly to the camera/viewer it gives the story a much emotive and intimate feeling.
We used extreme close up shots of facebook messages to make our audience feel like the messages are directed at them. This makes the audience feel sympathetic for the character as they are aware of how tortured the character is and puts them in the characters position in order for them to form a relationship with her.
 We used a 'facebook pop' sound that you receive when you get sent a message on facebook. Using this when the messages come on screen provides audio recognition for the audience, because they immediately associate the sound with social networking.
Throughout we also used three black screens displaying one word messages. These included 'BULLIED', 'ABUSED' and 'LOVE'. We used these to show the audience how to feel. It makes the characters feelings and lifestyle apparent to the audience quickly. These frames also allow our audience to see what the main themes of the film are so they are albe to connect with the storyline and the character.
Using a point of view shot from our character when she is looking down at the alcohol makes the alcohol seem like a prominent icon in our film, pointing out that this is an issue for our character and is important within the storyline. Alcohol bottles connotate drunkeness, which can lead to abuse and distorted thoughts. These connotations allows our audience to automatically makes links when seeing the bottles, to the idea of someone in the family being an abusive drunk.
We used other title frames that displayed quotes from magazines, this makes our production look professional and  successful making our audience want to watch it.
Featuring a news report (the green screen section of our production) makes the story seem more realistic, as the news is so prominent in our everyday lives, it increases the verisimilitude of the text and makes the themes of the film seem upsetting so we feel sympathy for the character.
We incorporated the tagline from our poster into our trailer through our characters voice over to show our characters journey of struggles to eventual happiness. It also links to our poster so our audience can associate the two products.
The music overlaying our trailer emphasises the emotions felt by the character, as it starts off slow and reflects depression, but then picks up at the end when she finds love. Also, using sound effects such as a bottle smash intensifies the themes and adds emphasis to the action on screen.  
At the end of our trailer we added in the film title, billing blocks as well as 'coming soon' all of which are a must for a teaser trailer. However, we created and personalized the design to suit our storyline better. 

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