Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Green Screen

What is a 'green-screen'?

It is a special effects film technique involving filming actors against a green or blue screen on which effects such as computerized graphics can be added later and integrated into a single sequence. It is a green background in front of which moving subjects are filmed and which allows a separately filmed background to be added to the final image.


In this clip below, (taken from the website, 'YouTube', the gentleman explains how to use a green screen when doing a news report. This is what we want to use our green screen for, (a news article), and this video shows how to do it successfully.

Here are the shots taken from our green screen filming. We used a green screen camera lens to make the grey colour green on the video.

Below is an image of our actor once we used the green camera lens to change the background:
Also i have added a print screen image below of our green screen editing:
We are using the green screen to create a news report of our teaser trailer, we will add an image over the green background of our clip to make it look and appear as thouigh it is a real news report. Our actor is dressed very formally in a suit as most news reporters do, allowing our audience to identify with the iconography and relate to the fact it is a serious news issue. The dialogue is: "Katie McKellen is still in critical condition after being rushed to hospital two days ago. Her suicide attempt is thought to be the result of severe bullinging and abuse, just prior to this incident Katie filmed and posted online a goodbye message". Here is the shot we will use as our background image and below that is a shot of our complete green screen image:
In the recently released blockbuster 'Avengers Assemble', a green screen in used in almost every scene, whether it be to show a location, a fight, or a weapon, green screen is used to do this, cheaply and easily.

In this shot a green screen was used to show the surrounding background, the locationa nd the rubble. It allows the films makers to credate a large set in a small space. This screen shot shows Captain America and Thor looking around the location, this shot emphasises how small they are in their surroundings, and what havok and destruction the enemy has created, all which has been done by the use of a green wall/screen.
This shot shows Thor, Captain America and Black Widdow shielding themselves from falling rubble/an explosion. This was created by the use of a green screen as show to the right. It allows the editors to produce the surrounding location, any explosions and special effects(such as the aliens!) and create the rubble and destruction they are shielding themselves from.  



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