Tuesday 17 December 2013

Our Film Poster

After we decided on our final photo, it was edited to make the background seem like a girl's bedroom, and the lighting was adjusted to make it seem like the computer screen is incredibly bright, to make out audience aware that this will be a main feature in our production. Our film poster conventionally contains a main image of the main character. We drafted an outline as to how we would want our poster layed out like, you will find it below:

Below is our finished and final first draft of our film poster for our production, 'Inside My Reality':


Due to feedback we have decided to make some changes to our poster. We have added the text 'COMING SOON' to tell our audience to watch out for our new feature, and have edited the main picture slightly to make our genre and main film themes noticable from the start, we also made some other minor changes like changing the lighting and adding the names of journalists below our ratings.
The new old poster is below(click to enlarge):

Again, after feedback we changed our poster again to insert the tagline 'Happiness is a journey, not a destination'. The new poster is below:

Below is a montage clip used to show our audience feedback for our poster:

Please find below the analysis i did for our poster, click the image to enlarge:

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