Wednesday 15 January 2014

Our Magazine Front Cover

For our film promotional package we have to create a magazine cover featuring our new film. 

Here is a mind map I created to brainstorm our magazine's chosen name. We decided to go for the 'film' theme, so we have associated our title ideas with those that associate or have equal meaning to the word 'film', because our magazine will be a film magazine. 

Eventually we decided on 'SILVERSCREEN'. 

Below is a picture of our finsihed first drafted magazine product that we produced on Microsoft word, we then later edited the magazine on Photoshop to give it a more professional quality. (click on the image to enlarge it):

Below I have done a short anaylsis and explained why we did what we did on our production of the magazine cover(click on the image to enlarge it):

Below is a picture of our final edited magazine cover:

To get audience responses we sent out a survey produced on Survey Monkey to our college students and staff members. I have attached a link to the survey below:
Here is a presentation that collates the results from our survey:

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